Artist lecture
with The Wrong
IRL & online stream
group show curated by Peggy Buth, Ralf F. Hartmann, Friederike Kröbel, Jens-Ole Rey
lecture — day 4, hall Clarke, 13:30
Creative _ Places end of residency group show, part of Szeniale festival
selected festival entry for the annual theme "Futur III"
group show coordinated by Peggy Buth
lecture, self-organized session
show with Rüdiger Schöll
curated film program
group show curated by Clemens von Wedemeyer / Alba d'Urbano / Peggy Buth
group show + award exhibition, as a non-competing guest
award exhibition - won annual theme BIG DADA
group show, participating as part of THIS IS FAKE + participation in film screening
award exhibition - nominee
group show with THIS IS FAKE
group project, as part of media art class of 2016